¡ Monday, December 9th from 3:30 – 6:00 PM AT 318, 7TH FLOOR !
- 3:30-4:00 Cookie Drop-off
- 4:00-4:45 Judging
- 4:45-6:00 Nom nom nom
How do I let you know that I'm entering? When is the entry deadline?
If you're planning to enter, let us know via the R/GA University page by Wednesday, December 4. This helps us determine how many judges we need and how many beverages to order.
What is it?
A shot at glory for some. For others, a chance to fill the gaping cookie void in our lives. The fifth annual Cookie Smackdown Social is designed to give R/GA New York employees a venue to show off their baking skills in a competitive arena, combined with the opportunity for the rest of us to celebrate each others' company during the holiday season with cookies and beverages.
Who can enter?
Entry is open to all R/GA employees.
What if I have a cookie that fits in more than one category?
We've added categories this year to give us an opportunity to recognize more great talent with awards. Of course, lots of cookies fit into more than one category, so you'll need to make a choice about which category you want to be entered into. ALL cookies are eligible for the top honor, Best in Show, regardless of which category you submit in.
Can I participate in more than one category?
Yes! If you want to bake a few different batches of cookies for entry, give it a shot. Last year, someone brought in three different types of cookies for entry.
What are the prizes?
Within each category, there will be first and second place winners. In addition, judges will choose a "Best In Show" winner.
Can my significant other bake for me?
Absolutely. Your secret is safe with us, as we operate on a don't ask/don't tell policy for submissions. However, event attendance and submission is limited to R/GA employees, so you'll just have to tell your mate about how much people liked his/her cookies.
How are cookies judged and scored?
Cookies will be scored within their category on three criteria: appearance, texture, and taste. Bonus points will be given for display presentation and uniqueness.
Who's judging?
Judging is open to all R/GA employees as well on a first-come, first-serve basis (limit 25). We'll also take an unlimited list of backup judges. Backup judges will be called on, in order from the waiting list, to deal with dropouts due to last-minute schedule conflicts.
How many cookies do I need to bring?
Submissions to the SmackDown require at least 24 cookies. If you like, you can share your recipe later, but this is optional.
Where do I bring my cookies?
318 7th floor from 3:30–4pm
Who do I give my cookies to when I show up?
We'll have organizers there to take your entry: Luane Kohnke, Ian Maron, and others can take your entry (and don't worry—we've sworn a solemn oath not to take a bite until all judging is complete and the social opens).
Are there guidelines for the presentation of my cookies?
There are no guidelines. In last year's submission, some folks won with cookies on simple plates; others used multi-tiered constructions or additional decorations. All are welcome.
Will I get my tray/platter/incredibly expensive baking sheet back?
Yes. Especially if it means you'll bake for us again!
Can I enter with my co-workers in a team submission?
Yes. Smackdowns are for everyone. One year a group submitted an exceptional creative design that swept the category. Only problem is you will have to share the trophy.
What is a cookie:
In case you aren't sure what a cookie is, we asked some five-year olds. Here is what they said:
Alana: “It is like awesome.”
Joey: “Chocolate chip, after school.”
Matthew: “She lets me help. Ours are no-bake.”
Cristen: “Mine are made with butter and sugar, and cut into squares. I can only eat one a day.”
Mei: “I like Girl Scout ones, only filled with peanut butter. I wouldn't like a kale cookie.”
Kali: “My Auntie lets me decorate mine with glitter, like a snowman.”
Eduardo: “My favorite are filled with marshmallow and jam. I love jam…”
Carry: “I don't know what a cookie is. It is just yummy, and I eat it.”
If that doesn't answer your question about what is a cookie, Wikipedia has an article for you.